It's a pretty cool wanna-be-Guy-Richie-and-Tarrantino-movie.
20 July 2010
I'm watching the movie right now and I'm now half the way. But it looks to me that the creators of this movie watch too much Guy Richie and Quintin Tarrantino movies and wanted to make such movies too. So they copied their style, their stories, their type of characters and made this movie. It doesn't look original. It would be if the movie was shot 15 years ago, but now a days it isn't. Annyway, the positive thing about the movie is that it looks cool and sexy, but anything else is copied too much from Richie, Tarrantino and who else. If the people who made this would have add something new or original too it, it would have been something. I don't know if I want to continue watching the movie any further.
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