This could have been so much better
18 July 2010
I saw the movie "Alex and Leo" at a screening at QFest in Philadelphia. So here is my opinion: This movie could have been so much better. With better actors, better character developments and better comedy. Don't get me wrong, the movie is charming in a amateur kind of way but it also has many flaws. Beginning with the camera work, the quality of this changes from scene to scene. In one scene it's very professional and in the other scene it's very amateurish. The performances in the movie are split between the good Ones like Udo Lutz and the wooden Ones like Andre Schneider. He, as the main guy of the movie has not much leader qualities, the same goes to Marcel Schlutt who is gorgeous to look at, but doesn't have the acting range to play such a part. Their is no real chemistry between both of them, Schlutt does his own thing and never clicks with Schneider. On the good side is Udo Lutz, who creates a funny Tobi. But even he can't save this flick from being a mediocre German import. The saddest thing to say here is that the timing which is so important in these kind of movies is totally off limit. Like I said: This could have been so much better.
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