Kitchen Sink (1989)
Very Effective Short Horror
17 July 2010
This short film by Alison Maclean reminded me of another Kiwi short horror movie I saw several years ago called THE FRENCH DOORS . Both are set against humdrum ordinary life when the protagonists chance upon something out of the extraordinary . There is a problem with both films in that when this extraordinary event happens neither of them contacts anyone they know or the police but this is the cinematic convention of horror - if anyone does anything sensible then the story ends there and then . There's also the slight problem in both films that the enigmatic events remain unexplained but I guess the journey is more important than the destination

Maclean shoots the film in monochrome which adds to the atmosphere . She also makes use of the genre language by using sound to cause the viewer to jump . It's a cliché but a very effective one Perhaps the stand out aspect is the soundtrack by The Headless Chickens , a band I've never heard of but whose electro pop track reminded me very much of Matt Johnson' ( Aka The The ) best work of the 1980s and I'll certainly be tracking down their music on Youtube
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