A Plea to Rob Zombie
3 July 2010
Let's get this on the table before I start. I'm not a tremendous fan of Rob Zombie. His music leaves me cold and I've run hot and cold with his additions to the torture porn sub-genre.

This isn't to say that I don't appreciate his artistry or attention to detail. He really seems to dig the seventies/eighties horror classics that he pays tribute to. His films generally feature unusual characters and there's always a moment or two where he pleasantly surprises me. But EL SUPERBEASTO did nothing, nothing at all, to challenge my perception that he's content appealing to the lowest common denominator.

This is another instance where I'm stunned by the positive reviews I'm reading. This film seems to exist solely to titillate 13-year old boys. It's full of crude sex and excrement jokes, hundreds of them. I dare you, in fact, to find thirty seconds of this flick that doesn't feature one or the other. Go ahead. If this film was a drinking game, you'd be under the table by 10 minutes in.

The sad thing was that I was actually looking forward to seeing this. The character design really looked fabulous. I even thought animation might free Rob from the need to revel in mutilation and torture. I guess it did to a certain extent, although this was replaced by juvenile, extremely juvenile, pandering. This is the type of movie I would have laughed endlessly at when I was nine years old, if I could have convinced my parents to allow me to watch naked animated chicks shooting guns (which I couldn't have).

Come on, Rob. I know you've got a great film in you. While the whole head banging thing is no longer my bag, you have grown into a real artist over the years. This was a wasted opportunity. Despite some good animation and a multitude of missed opportunities, EL SUPERBEASTO was beneath you.
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