Review of Psycho Cop

Psycho Cop (1989)
Crapness personified
29 June 2010
Review? I've mislaid it...maybe it's out by the pool! I can't find it anywhere...must ask Eric...but he's not here! Maybe he's out by the pool! I can't find him anywhere! Maybe I'll ask 'insert other name here'! But I can't find him anywhere! Maybe he's out by the pool!

What's that noise in the woods - Who's that? Who's that? I know you're out there! C'mon Eric! I know it's you! You weren't out by the pool and weren't bringing beer and I couldn't find you must be you...

Wait...a crap cop? ACting really badly? But not by the pool...what the AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAARGGGGGGGGGGGGH

Psycho Cop is crap
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