Review of Hubble 3D

Hubble 3D (2010)
Light on content
27 June 2010
First of: I saw this movie in Imax but not in 3D.

If you are interested in understanding how Hubble operates, its engineering, day-to-day duties of the astronauts or any kind of coherent study of how stars are born and die then this movie will disappoint you.

The movie constantly errs on more emotional side, especially in presenting the astronauts. Some of the narration is also a bit too disingenuous - the crews going up the orbit are presented as some sort of breakthrough heroes doing something that had never been done before them - going into space.

What the movie does offer is spectacular imagery of shuttle launches, Hubble itself, and its "repair" and some light perusal into the astronaut's lives in the orbit. You will also see some spectacular imagery Hubble was able to capture and some explanation of it.
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