Review of Faces

Star Trek: Voyager: Faces (1995)
Season 1, Episode 13
Two B'Elannas... one Klingon, one human
23 June 2010
Warning: Spoilers
This episode opens with B'Elanna held captive and looking far more Klingon than she usually does, it turns out that she has been captured by the Vidiians along with Paris and Lt, Durst. The Vidiians have done something to her which has divided her into two people, one Kingon the other human. The scientist who did it explains that he did it because he believes Klingons may be immune to the phage so could help provide a cure. While Klingon B'Elanna is restrained in a lab Human B'Elanna is put to work in the mines alongside Paris and the previously unknown Dunst has the misfortune of being taken to organ processing. The Vidiian scientists things he will be less repulsive to B'Elanna if he has a proper face although when she sees him wearing Dunst's face her reaction is rather violent. The people back on Voyager take a while to realise that they are dealing with the Vidiians but when they finally learn what they are dealing with Chakotay is disguised as a Vidiian so he can help the others escape. When the two B'Elannas get together they must learn that they will need to use both of their innate skills if they are to escape.

This was a pretty good episode which explored B'Elanna's character in an interesting way, it was nice to see her different sides even though it was inevitable that by the end of the episode she would be back to her usual self. When I heard that Torres, Paris and Durst have disappeared while exploring an asteroid it seemed inevitable that Dunst wouldn't be coming back, even though they no longer wear red shirts it still seems that any crew member who gets a major role when we haven't seen them before is likely to die. The moment when we learn just what Dunst has been used for was pretty chilling; justifying the characters inclusion.
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