Beautiful to look at
22 June 2010
Warning: Spoilers
Terrence Malick's "Days of Heaven" is a simply beautiful and majestic film to look at. It also has a fantastic story, strong performances, and wonderful, mysterious music. However, despite these positives, there is one glaring flaw, for me, that prevents the film from becoming something greater: the pacing. No, it wasn't too slow, quite the opposite. The story felt rushed, and the film ultimately felt episodic, as if it was some kind of abridged version of a longer film.

In under an hour, Bill kills the man, he, Abby and Linda go to work in the fields, work ends, she marries the farmer, and suspicions are raised. I would have much rather had seen the film run at least two hours, preferably two and a half or even three, rather than a brief 93 minutes. It lacked the slow, lingering pace of Malick's future films, and, therefore, I was unable to really connect to any of the characters. Fortunately, the story itself is so strong that I was never bored, just rushed. The characters and the audience never had time to breathe and absorb the story or savor the magnificent imagery. So, in this regard, I was a little disappointed.

Nonetheless, it is, once again, a great story with good performances and awesome cinematography; it definitely deserved its Oscar win. I just would have liked for it to have taken its time more.
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