Absolutely superlative; more important than ever
22 June 2010
I remember seeing this program when it was broadcast on PBS in the late 1970s. While at the time I thought it was really good, from the perspective of 30+ years on its no-nonsense realism and breathtaking location cinematography become really impressive. I was also impressed that they found an actor (Malcolm Stoddard) who bore such a close resemblance to Darwin it was eerie. (Not quite so close a resemblance of Daniel Burt as Captain FitzRoy.) I never expected that 30+ years on, Darwin's theory of biological evolution would be under greater attack by ignorant Bible-thumping obscurantists, not less. I agree with everyone who has posted opinions regarding this series that wide diffusion and exposure of this story is more important now than ever. Here we are 500 years into the Renaissance and 300 years into the Enlightenment, and yet so many of the people I meet every day seem barely to have gotten out of the Middle Ages, and still others won't be satisfied until they have extinguished the light of true knowledge and replaced it with the darkness of doctrine. While it may be that the series has been withheld from repeat showing in the States owing to fear of the radical Christian Right, it is also possible that the lapse is due to some incredibly arcane and convoluted copyright regulation for which the BBC is so well known.
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