Doctor Who: The Pandorica Opens (2010)
Season 5, Episode 12
An unholy mess
21 June 2010
Warning: Spoilers
So this is what the season has been building up to ? We have had the crack in time as the theme running through the season, akin to Bad Wolf in season 1. Unlike the episode Bad Wolf this is a let down primarily for a few reasons.

I do not wish to give any spoilers away. The return of various faces from the past made little sense. The episode started off trying to link strands from the previous episodes, then we had some padding in and around Stonehenge which felt rather laboured, then we had a bit of a fan overload with the assembled monsters from the past. A few namechecked were not there. The story carries on the theme from Human Nature about the Doctor being the threat. It also re-emphasises the point about the Doctor not being put into a trap. However it is rather clumsily done. I like Moffatt's work. Compared to the drivel from his predecessor his stories are well constructed but this just felt like it was a tick box of various elements to appeal to hardcore fans and new series junkies alike. All well and fine but that does not make good TV.

The twist about what was inside the Pandorica was interesting, indeed the best thing about it and no I am not going to tell you even though this review is spoiler marked. You will need to watch it. You can then suffer as I did.
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