Doctor Who: The Pandorica Opens (2010)
Season 5, Episode 12
I Thought it Was Brilliant!
20 June 2010
Warning: Spoilers
I would like to start my review with some answers for "doorsscorpywag" who wrote a review before mine.

"(#1) why if Rory was erased from time can the Doctors foes use him in a scenario to trap him? (#2) Surely he does not exist anymore? (#3) And how can Rory remember how he died, because Amy doesn't and all this came from her memories?"

#1: If you have already seen Victory of the Daleks, then you should already know from Professor Bracewell that an artificial person can have memories implanted. Professor Bracewell had no reason to think that he was anything other than human before it was revealed that he was actually a bomb. He believed that he lived through all of the memories that had been put inside of his 'brain'.

#2: That is correct. Rory the human should not exist at this point in time.

#3: If the Daleks had scanned Amy (or her home for Amy's memories) BEFORE Rory had been sucked into the crack, then Rory would have been present in those memories. It's all about the timing. Plus, since the Daleks (and other foes) can travel through time, they could have been inside the crack (?) when Rory was sucked in and could have stolen his memories from him to then place into the fake Rory.

Now, onto my own review!

I thought it was brilliant! I have never been as excited for the 2nd part as I am right now! The Doctor has been painted into a corner, and all hope seems to be lost! I own several seasons & series of Doctor Who and re-watch episodes over and over. This series though, has had clues sprinkled into each of the episodes...or perhaps little things to throw us off. Either way, it's been so exciting to go back and re-watch the episodes looking for those clues! Like the time a 'future Doctor' revisited Amy during Flesh and Stone. In a scene *after* the Angels took the Doctor's jacket, Amy was laying down with her eyes closed and the Doctor walked off with River. Then, suddenly the Doctor is there again, only this time he was much more loving than when he dismissively walked off with River. AND he had on his JACKET! The jacket that he wore in following episodes, but not the same jacket that would have been anywhere near that set! He was acting in an entirely different manner, which leads me to believe that this was not a continuity error. Also, what about the shadow that crosses Amy's kitchen window in the Eleventh Hour? Are we to believe that Prisoner Zero popped down for a snack? There are so many clues, it's been such a wonderfully written series that has captivated me, my husband, our 3 children (ages 13, 11, and 8) not to mention our friends and neighbors that come over to watch Who with us each week!

So, wonderfully brilliant episode...fantastically written, acted, and directed! I am at the edge of my seat and am very much looking forward to Big Bang!
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