Backwoods (1988)
16 June 2010
Warning: Spoilers
Jamie and Karen(Brad Armacost and Christina Noonan) are biking across Kentucky, deciding to camp exactly where the park ranger warns them not to. Karen is up for anything, Jamie himself is more cautious and attempts to talk her out of the notion of hiking deep into the backwoods. A playful couple, always kidding each other around(she often pokes fun at him because she's more of an adventurer, a tough gal who can better rough the elements than her softie squeeze), they run across a girl suffocating as her helpless father, shotgun in tow, looks on. Thankfully, Jamie is a doctor from Detroit.

After performing an emergency tracheotomy on his daughter, backwoods hick Eben(Dick Kreusser) invites Jamie(and Karen) for a little grub, a special thanks for saving Beth(Leslie Denise). Eben has a retarded son named William(Jack O'Hara) who drools at the mouth, likes to kill animals, and peep on Karen when she's swimming naked in the local watering hole..oh, he's just "misunderstood" is all.

Coon hunting, moonshine in mason jars, chicken heads, and a lil ditty the name of "Shake 'em Down" all should appeal to fans of "redneck cinema" as poor savage William is clearly aroused by Karen(he views her in various stages of undress)and is certain to make his move on her eventually as Eben informs Jamie of his boy's past behavior in regards to snapping the neck of his deceased wife. William is the perfect embodiment of a wilderness freak of nature, with no teeth, who hisses, screeches and gargles, in overalls, covered in filth, bad hygiene, the works. The finale erupts in chaos as William makes a nuisance of himself, nearly choking Karen over a necklace, shot by Jamie out of fear for her life. This causes Eben to suffer a heart attack, with William going berserk. The result being a fight for survival between Karen and William in the woods as night falls. Neat trap involving fish hooks, with shots to the face by a stone, and the effective use of a flare all add some potency to an otherwise snoozer except for the hicksploit elements certain to please fans of this sort of thing. Noonan is a very attractive woman and seemed fine showing her nude body at times when asked to. She holds her own against William who is essentially an animal disguised in human dress. The final scene is just too much, involving an accelerated behavioral change in Jamie for the worst, certain to earn more than it's share of laughs. If I'm honest, though, regarding the plot, not a lot happens until the end, and I think backwoods horror fans might be more than a bit disappointed.
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