Monk: Mr. Monk Takes the Stand (2009)
Season 8, Episode 5
Poorly written plot story.
12 June 2010
Warning: Spoilers
I enjoy Monk because of his eccentricities as well as his deductive logic. But remember all this is a product of the story writers and in this episode they must have taken a day off. With so many other forensic and detective shows around now days (CSI, Castle, Bones, NCIS) the writers have to be on the ball.

In the first trial scene it appeared that the prosecutor was a wimp and not very educated about the case, part of this blame must also lie with the detectives who did not do the required work to make it easy for the prosecutor to refute. The detectives seem to do very little work and leave it up to Monk to deduce the guilt.

1. There should have been two records of the slab of Belgian Grey Marble sold and delivered to that residence, one for the alibi at 5 pm the night of the murder and one at some past date for him to sculpt. 2. Monk suggested that the delivered slab now decorated the driveway. The gravel in the driveway would have clean surfaces, no bio-film (at the first rain microscopic spores would land on rough exposed surfaces and begin to grow with in a week of exposure, even dew would be enough), no weathering thus fresh. Also where was the murderer's receipt for that gravel? Each of these could have been independently verified and not required Monk's testimony, but then if that was used then the story would have ended in half an episode.
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