Review of Basic

Basic (2003)
Another underrated film.
10 June 2010
I've watched this film because a friend of mine suggested it. I was doubtful at first since I've heard very little about this movie and Travolta was in it (Much of his work is expendable). Luckily, this turned out as a good movie. It was entertaining from beginning to end.

This is the story of the disappearance of a legendary Sargent (Jackson) and what is done in order to find the truth about what happened. There were so many twists in this film that make it leave a lot of holes. It was supposed to confuse you, but there wasn't a reason to leave the movie inconclusive.

The acting was OK. Sam Jackson is always good, but he acted in so many movies that it feels like he is not trying to hard anymore. Travolta was good also. The rest of the cast is average.

Overall, this is a good movie. It is entertaining, which in the end, is the objective. It successfully creates suspense. I give it seven stars, but this film is not for everybody.
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