Dark Angel (2000–2002)
decent first season.... then it goes downhill, and fast
4 June 2010
It's true that the plot is pretty cliché, and that in some ways Alba is more a 'looker' than an actress in this show. But there are some great moments in the first season, to be sure. Some real drama, some good character development, and some rather funny dialogue, as well. The scenes at the bike courier depot that run through the show are actually far more entertaining than secondary plots usually are (works better than the 'Buy-More' at Chuck, for instance). There's nothing new offered in this show, just unrealized promise.

And this show clearly should have stopped after the first season. It gets ridiculous by the end. Rather than just 'super-soldiers', we find that there are essentially 'mutants' running about, now, including a half-man half-dog creature who we're supposed to find 'adorable', and yet I found only increasingly annoying.

If there's absolutely nothing better to watch, the first season of Dark Angel is a mediocre show which has some high points. But the show does collapse under it's own weak foundations and lack of direction. And so unless you've already seen everything else to see, it's probably better not to get too involved in this one.

Not recommended.
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