Wrong (2005)
Worth Watching
2 June 2010
Wrong (2005)

*** (out of 4)

Nice short film about a lonely man (Terence Vincent) who buys a blow up doll, has sex with it and then decides to take it back. This British film actually took me by surprise as I found it to be extremely well-made and feature a nice performance from Vincent. There's not too much going on in the film but I found it to be effective because of how director Geens showed the loneliness of the main character and what happens after the sex scene was quite touching. The movie only has about four difference sequences but they'll all interesting in showing this man and what his loneliness has caused. It could be the scene where he realizes how alone he is or having to go back into the sex shop to get rid of the doll. There's certainly nothing ground breaking here and this certainly isn't Oscar-material but it's a good way to kill 9-minutes if you can catch it on IFC.
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