Review of Act Normal

Act Normal (2006)
Recap, and insight into why this is a bad documentary.
2 June 2010
Warning: Spoilers
all over bad movie, the story is far from cohesive, it spans 12 years, seems like the documentary crew spent a day a year with him. in order to say it goes back 12 years, as listed in summary it says he left the buddhist order for 4 years when he met a girl and got married, that part in the movie is about 30 sec's long, seems like the documentary people forgot about him for 4 years while this was happening.

its an hour with him as a monk in thailand, 15 min him as a monk in iceland, then a brief recap of him married, where they interview his ex wife, (all the while not showing her speak instead opting to show her playing with leaves of a tree while she narrates the relationship) for filler when they clearly lacked footage they showed a boy playing chess with a man in a spacesuit, which was suppose to represent him as a child, cause he mentioned liking chess as a kid instead of sports, and later he mentioned he liked the Russian space program and that it was a dream of his to go to the launch site. that surreal scene was, well, lame.

I give this 3 stars simply for the monk speaking about buddhism, offering valuable insight into buddhist study.

i recommend people check out The Amazing Truth About Queen Raquela, instead of this, which is by the same people that made this, a far better documentary.
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