The Irate Gamer (2007– )
Very Interesting Series
30 May 2010
Warning: Spoilers
I don't see what some people have against this series. The whole point behind it is to show all of us older gamers who were growing up in the days of the original 8-bit Nintendo and argue that they don't make games as fun as they used to; that our fond memories of these games is not it is all that it is crack up to be. I mean have you TRIED beating Indiana Jones on the Temple of Doom, Predator, or Mission Impossible? Not easy and I have been playing games since I was 5 and I have yet to beat Predator.

I'll admit there are some reviews of his that I disagree with (Zombies Ate My Neighbors mainly) but they are meant to exaggerate and for all you naysayers who act like he's a bad gamer or whatever. When you review a game your are supposed to show/see how easy it is for your player to get killed (like in the Contra review).

Also Chris Bores is trying to be funny (sometimes it's hit and miss), part of that includes Exaggeration (and honestly who hasn't cussed out a game before when it was kicking your butt?). That being said I do feel that he cusses way too much in his episodes but that aside I really enjoy these episodes and I hope he keeps up the good work.
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