watchable but nothing special
24 May 2010
Warning: Spoilers
Don't expect too much of this picture, this isn't an a-movie, there's neither an ingenious script nor some extraordinary special effects or something like that. Surely, it got some story, but the theme about the young soldier going to war leaving his girlfriend behind does not seem very unique at all. Also the last sequence, where Don has grown old, remembering his war experiences, seemed pretty familiar. The most annoying thing was, that the German soldiers (in particular the officer while briefing his men, but the others too) were talking in a very odd way. Not only that I instantly noticed their American accent, the few lines they had to say weren't even grammatically correct. Casting two or three native speakers can't be that hard!?

Apart from that it's not a bad movie, it probably shows what was being a soldier in WW2 like in a pretty authentic way. Ambitious low-budget production.
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