Review of Life Blood

Life Blood (2009 Video)
should have called this film
23 May 2010
Warning: Spoilers
Turdblossom. Would have made as much sense as "Pearblossom", the working title.

The only thing I can take from the "good" reviews is once again, people involved in the "production" are writing them to give the thing positive buzz... sad, really.

The dreadful plot is that a couple of lesbians are at a New Years Eve Party in 1969 (or maybe it's 1968, they say both) when one of them kills an actor for no apparent reason and they drive off into the desert for no apparent reason, only to be turned into Vampires by God (who for some reason is a chick in a see-through blouse.) God informs one of them that there mission is to kill evil people, but, blah, blah, blah, who cares.

What is side splittingly funny are the implausibilities in this film. Such as the daughter of a couple of tourists being locked in her parent's SUV for the whole film. (Sorry, cars don't work like that. YOu have to be able to get out, the locks are for keeping people from getting in!) Or the rural sheriff's department that hires a midget deputy. (This guy has been in a bunch of horror films over the years, so I guess they hired him because you've heard of him, maybe?) But the capper is the incomprehensible dialog. Like the writer was too busy thinking about girl-on-girl action to actually have the girls say something intelligent when their tongues weren't shoved down each other's throats...
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