City Island (2009)
Not Good Enough
17 May 2010
Warning: Spoilers
Is this movie worth ten bucks? Is it worth driving to the theater and parking the car? Does it live up to the reviews quoted in the ad? No to all three.

The principle problem is the writing, followed by the directing and an unconvincing performance by an acclaimed actor. Some of the characters are hard to understand or like.

The movie is about an Italian American family living on a river island near New York City. They live together on a small house lot but supposedly know nothing about each other. That didn't seem likely. The father is a prison guard who secretly wants to be an actor. Even though the character was played by Andy Garcia, an acclaimed actor, this wasn't convincing they way it played out. It's hard to like this character when he spends a lot of time having an emotional affair with a ditsy actress whose behavior doesn't make sense.

Several leaden lines are repeated hypnotically through through the movie. The Andy Garcia says his character's name and that he is a "corrections officer" like it is supposed to be some kind of thing. Also something like, "every city needs and island, every person needs a place for quiet contemplation" keeps getting repeated. It doesn't have that much to do with this movie. Whoever wrote this isn't William Shakespeare.

One good thing about the movie was its setting, City Island. A former fishing village in the Bronx River, it looks like a New England fishing village surrounded by silver gray water and boats at anchor. Another bright spot is actor Steven Strait who played a long lost relative. He's handsome, charismatic, and a good actor.

Overall, I'd wait until this movie comes on TV so you can Tivo it and skip the bad parts.
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