Just Me and You (1978 TV Movie)
"Do I look fat to you?"
16 May 2010
A guy needs to make a car trip from New York to Los Angeles in four days, and advertises in the paper for someone to share the driving. A very talkative but attractive young woman answers the ad, and convinces him to take her along. The movie consists of the comedic interactions on their trip that gradually transform their relationship from one in which he is immediately sorry he brought her along, to the inevitable realization that they are in love, not with those they presumably drove across America to see, but with each other.

The two main characters complemented each other perfectly - he the level headed guy, she the dizzy dame he finally falls for. The dialogue, written by Louise Lasser, was fall-down funny. A certain ability to suspend reality is necessary to get into the spirit of the movie, but for those who can, it is a trip you will remember for a long time.
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