16 May 2010
Let it be clarified that this is not a film about a murder mystery. This is a film about a man named Romulus, a genius gone mad, with plenty of heart and truth still left in him that others refuse to see. It just so happens that his redemption comes in the form of his getting caught up in a murder mystery.

And really, the way it all goes is pretty perfect. Everything in this film was done right. I haven't been left speechless by a movie in quite some time.

Watch this film - and without spoiling anything, I want to address some other comments people have left either in a review or in the forum. Some have said that the central focus of Rom's craziness (the man in the building he thinks is watching his every move) is presented and resolved ambiguously and without any clarity. I don't understand how this could have been misunderstood. Take everything in throughout this film. The sights, the sounds, the pacing - the answer to that question is pretty clear by the time you're a good ways into the film. What's more, the film holds your hand out of it, with a CLEAR and SPOKEN answer at the end of the film (the bar scene).

Anyway, great, great film. 8/10
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