Seven Samurai (1954)
Seven Samurai
10 May 2010
The Seven Samurai was not one of my most favorite films in the world. I mean I sure it was good but it was not in English and it is so hard to keep up with subtitles and keep up with what is going on in the movie. I found my mind just giving up and wondering off through out the entire thing. But I must add that this was definitely not the worst film I have seen in this class. Just to watch it without trying to keep up with the titles I found myself laughing at it quite a bit. I am not sure if it was intended to be funny but the characters I found to be kind of goofy. The one guy that ran around the whole time acting kind of crazy like he was my favorite. His outfit, the loin cloth, Tarzan was very entertaining. I was sad to see him die. But at least he went out good. This movie was also very long. It could have been just a little shorter I think. In this film a town is going attacked by some bully like clan and so the people set out looking for some Samurai to come help them fight them off. They return with seven samurais. There is long fighting and many from both sides die. It was sad when the good guys died. One of the warriors falls in love with the daughter of a man who had made her cut off her hair so she would look like a male, so as to avoid catching the attention of the horny Samurai men. But we could practically predict that it would end up happening in the end anyways. After lots of fighting and battling it all ends and the good guys prevail but not without having suffered many great losses.
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