Take Me Home (1989)
worth watching
2 May 2010
Warning: Spoilers
Tony Marchant is a great writer and shows a wonderful understanding of the common man. He seems to have the knack of turning the ordinary into something worth watching. In this TV drama about very down-to-earth characters, one is quickly sucked into the lives of a newly arrived couple on the cusp of establishing themselves in a new town, and a taxi driver driven from his skilled job as an engineer by modern technology. Tom the taxi driver has lost his confidence along with losing his job, and has accepted his lot in life. Kathy, with her husband Martin, newly arrived in the town from London are settling in. But Kathy having been coerced by her husband into an abortion,and feeling lost and unloved meets Tom. An unlikely liaison follows, an affair which at first is exciting, inevitable leads to complications and heart-ache. I won't reveal the ending, but I will say that it did not end in the way that I wanted it to, but had it done so perhaps it would not have had the same poignancy.
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