Review of Vidocq

Vidocq (2001)
This is cinema
1 May 2010
There are many things that must occur in order to say that a movie is really good. I saw this movie shortly after it was released, but had no internet or desire to write my review anywhere. Then came a flood of Hollywood movies, exceeded in special effects, but with bad scripts, without compelling stories; remakes or adaptations(bad adaptations) of old TV series, and so on. I almost forgot that it was possible to make good movies. And when I say good, I mean really good, like this. I saw it again recently, but this time I decided to give my opinion.

Here is a captivating story that keeps us expectant and eager to know what really happened with Vidocq. A young man is determined to find out, reconstructing the last moments and revealing secrets. All this, with a truly captivating atmosphere, fabulous special effects, but measured and timed. Here, there is no excess of special effects. They are conveniently used to give this film a visual beauty according to the script.The edition of the film as well as the performances and the resolution of the story, are truly remarkable.

It has enough twists and surprises, but does not become stifling for those who do not like thinking too much. Perhaps if more complex, it would be agreeable to a smaller group of people (like me). But that would be asking too much. There are other movies for that. This is an ENTERTAINMENT capable of covering a wide spectrum of audiences. A work truly worthy of being seen especially in times where bad movies abound supported by the God of marketing. If you like good movies, try this one.

Because it made me remember that it is possible to sit and enjoy a good story, even with special effects, I give this movie a higher score.
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