Fun Freddy experience!
30 April 2010
People are saying that this is the worst Freddy movie ever. Some people are saying this is the worst horror movie ever made. My response to this is what f***ing movie did you guys see. This is far from the worst in the series and unbelievably far from being the worst horror film ever made. I really enjoyed it. The film had good death scenes, good direction, some good scares, good acting, a great look and feel to it, and last but not least…a fantastic new take on Freddy Krueger. Now that I've said the good about the film, let me address the bad:

-The jump scares were predictable for the most part. The original did have jump scares but they were done way better. The original would build up to the scares with suspense. This film however did not. For example: Nancy's looking at her cell phone. Then we hear a knock on her passenger window. BAM. FREDDY'S THERE with a loud noise in the background. That's not scary. It might get a reaction out of you, but you get over it.

-The EDITING. Wow. Whoever edited this needs to be fired immediately and should never be able to edit again. I've never seen a film with such horrible editing. For example: Kris runs into building. Before the door is shut we quickly see a shot of the interior of the building, then we see Kris standing still with the door closed behind her. I know it might sound stupid, but I wanted to actually SEE her close the door. The only good editing was the pharmacy scene and about the last 15 minutes.

All in all, I did enjoy the film very much.As a Freddy fan, i am extremely impressed. All the negative reviews are wrong. This is a very entertaining movie. Jackie did a great job at reinventing Freddy. He made it his own. Other than the predictable jump scares and horrible editing, I actually wasn't bored. This is about the 2nd or 3rd best Freddy movie in the series. I've seen it at least 3 times all the way through and enjoyed it just as much as I did the first time. This film definitely deserves a 9/10 for me. It wasn't perfect and it wasn't atrocious. I really hope there is a sequel. I really want to know if the makers learn from their mistakes.
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