Spring Break Massacre (2008 Video)
In the tradition of Slumber Party Massacre a cast of young people get offed one by one by an unknown killer
27 April 2010
Warning: Spoilers
For fans of the Slumber Party Massacre/Sorority House Massacre series this one definitely deserves a viewing. In the tradition of those films we have a group of kids, on spring break, partying it up while someone is lurking around and killing them one by one. Who could it be? The escaped killer? The sheriff? One of the kids? The creepy next door neighbor? (who bears quite the resemblance to Orville Ketchum from Sorority House Massacre fame). For 74 minutes you will find yourself caught up in not only the storyline which is both interesting and simplistic, but also the characters who have some of the funniest bad dialogue in any recent slasher movie. This movie knows exactly what it is and it executes that perfectly, a loving tribute/homage/"re-imagining" of the classic Slumber Party Massacre series, complete with many obvious references to that series along the way. While many modern day slashers become borderline boring and get to the point where you just want to get to the end, Spring Break Massacre never stops once it starts and there are no scenes where you are thinking "well this was just included to make the movie longer". I would highly recommend this movie if you have a group of friends, a case of beer, and whatever else you may enjoy while viewing this fun slasher flick.
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