Korean version of "Mr. & Mrs. Smith", but with less cool action scenes and more Korean humor
27 April 2010
When I saw the trailer to this I thought it would be some lame comedy with some action and drama thrown in, and not to my surprise I was right. So in another words it's like "Mr. & Mrs. Smith" with less cool action and more of the Korean humor in it, which ain't necessarily a bad thing but most of the humor I didn't find to be that funny as a matter of fact the action portion of this is it's weakest moments. Just about everything about this movie is predictable, but I give it props for being clever time to time although not original. Even for a comedy the character decisions can be awkward at times and doesn't seem to make any sense when a weapon is threatening to kill a lot of innocent civilians, but the agents go off and do goofy stuff. Which I can't really blame, cause there doesn't seem to be another way around it and if there was they needed to change a lot of scenarios around. I also found this comedy to be boring at times despite the actors and actresses doing the best they can with what they have. But overall like I said, I found it to be a bit boring but it was somewhat enjoyable as well.

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