Review of Wonderama

Wonderama (1955–1987)
A show that teaches both respect and value. A wonderful experience for both kids and parents alike.
26 April 2010
I remember this wonderful show and how I always wanted to be on it. I got that chance when i was in the fifth grade and what a wonderful time i had. The games, dances and special guest that appear on the show. This was an experience that all kids should experience. This show taught good value and respect for one another, too bad kids today will never experience a once in a life time show like this one. Leaving the show we all got bags with all kinds of things in it, I remember we all got the Duncan yo-yo's thats when they just was coming out so we all was like the first ones on the block with it. This show left me with a positive impression that i always carried with me, I even remember till this day the song: Kids r people too.
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