Really Bad, and not in a good way.
19 April 2010
Warning: Spoilers
Robinson (Bentley) is out to kill Dolan (Slater) for killing wife Elizabeth (Vaugier)

This whole thing reeked of amateurs trying to act like professionals. Really bad. The dialogue suffered as did we all. I almost shut this down but wanted to see how Robinson, a 6th grade teacher, would take care of business with Dolan, a crime boss in Las Vegas. This should have been left as a short story by Stephen King.

It's the dialogue that made the actors look and sound like they were rehearsing lines. To be fair, the last third of the movie was better, but when you are scurrying around putting someone to death what was learned in acting class doesn't seem to help much. By the same token when you are the one being snuffed, the screaming and pleading almost seemed real enough, but what was learned in acting class doesn't seem to help much. I had no sympathy for the snuffer or the snufee. Maybe there were never any acting classes.

Now, what does the Cadillac have to do with all this? Well, Dolan practically lived in it and when Robinson was taking care of business, the Cadillac became a prime player.

Really bad.

Violence: Yes. Sex: No. Nudity: No, but came close. Racial slurs: Yes. Language: Yes, non stop.
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