Let down by poor acting
17 April 2010
According to the box office link, this film cost $7000 to make. If true then the film makers should be applauded. Putting that to one side, this film becomes one of extremes. It goes from good to bad then back again which makes the overall viewing experience a frustrating one. Some of the acting is very good but this is overshadowed by several poor performances. The sidekick character is one noticeable culprit, as is the love interest. The fights also suffer from extremes. The first brawl and the villain's back alley fight against three toughs are fast and exciting, but unfortunately when it really counts, the standard is sub par. The fight where the leading man kills his opponent and his final confrontation with the villain are exceptionally weak and these are the fights which should have been the strongest. Overall, the film is a mish mash of ideas that lack consistency. The bizarre narration is poorly written and leaves the viewer scratching his head while many of the confrontational scenes work quite well. The leading man is physically awesome but one dimensional, the bad guys are good as are some of the smaller character parts. Where this film stands out though is in the camera direction and editing. With such a low budget, maybe my criticism is too harsh because there are big budget films out there that don't match up to this one. To wrap up, this film is good on a technical level but it's a shame that some of the on screen talent just weren't up to scratch.
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