Supernatural: Point of No Return (2010)
Season 5, Episode 18
Oh when the saints go marching in...
15 April 2010
Warning: Spoilers
The good...

Dean having one last drink, packing away his jacket and keys to the Impala, etc. Sam knowing where to find Dean (the fact that even *Sam* knew that Lisa would be on Dean's list of stops shows that Dean must have shared with Sam - at one time or another - that he cares enough about her to make sure she's safe). The threat of more brotherly fisticuffs not actually happening and Sam being smart enough to bring Castiel along as backup to zap Dean. Dean FINALLY putting Bobby in his place and telling him he's not Dean's father and he's not in Dean's shoes (Bobby had earned that look that he had on his face, after hearing what Dean said, from all the crap he'd been piling on Dean for some time now). Castiel kicking some angel butt.

Sam's "Does this smell right to anybody?!" line, after discovering the angels apparently had a Plan B (after all their "destiny crap" they'd been going on about). Oddly enough, Sam's frustration mirrored my own. I wish he'd socked Zombie Adam in the jaw. Shut the hell up, Adam! Boo-hoo, so you had to cook your own dinner and put yourself to bed - BFD! Sam and Dean went through worse crap growing up than that, and yet neither of them turned out to be a little bitch like you apparently did.

Dean listing the people he and Sam had gotten killed. While it was no substitute for not having any of those people actually IN this episode, it's good that the show at least remembers these important characters (Mary, John, Jess, Jo, Ellen). Dean telling Sam that he didn't believe in him and saying that, whether it be demon blood or some other demon chick, they would find a way to turn Sam - while horrible - was a great scene. As much as I hated what Dean said to Sam ("self-righteous"? Really, Dean? And you've NEVER been that yourself??), it was the first excellent scene of the episode. Extremely well-acted by both Jared and Jensen. I was really feeling bad for Sam.

Second excellent scene of the episode? Dean getting his ass handed to him by Castiel. His "I rebelled for THIS?!" and delivery of "So you could surrender to them!" almost didn't sound like Castiel at all. Misha's voice was in full-on crazy ticked off mode, as he was beating the crap out of Dean. I'm glad they had Dean begging "Please!". That's what happens when you get on Castiel's bad side. I liked Sam asking what the hell happened to Dean and Castiel's simple "Me." answer. Also, Zach being amusing when he described Adam as "a clammy scrap of bait." and telling him, "Hey, if it's any consolation, you happen to be the illegitimate half-brother of the guy we do care about." and his other insults.

I hated Dean telling Sam that, if the tables were turned, he'd let Sam rot in Bobby's demon-proof room, but Sam came through when he answered Dean's "Why?" question with "Because you're still my big brother." - good on ya, Sam!

Jensen played the hell out of that scene where he said yes, as Zach was killing Sam and Adam. Jared too. The exchange of looks between Sam and Dean were awesome, as was Dean's grin/wink. Even more awesome? Dean playing Zachariah and FINALLY killing the bastard! Well done, Dean. Though please stop insulting your brother's (and yours, by the way, in case you have forgotten) mother by calling Sam a "son of a bitch". At least Dean redeemed himself by saying that he didn't want to let Sam down. The final scene with the boys was a nice ending to the episode.

The bad...

Zombie Adam. Well, okay, he wasn't actually a zombie, but when Castiel pulled him out of the ground, that's what my first thought was. Why didn't I like the return of Adam? Well, because I hate the entire *idea* of a third Winchester brother. For almost four seasons, the show had been just about these two brothers, Sam and Dean, and that was it. That was enough. The premise served the show well all that time, then the writers had this WTF-worthy idea of introducing a long-lost third brother...and what purpose did it serve? NOTHING. 'Jump The Shark' was an average episode, and by the end we learned that Adam had been dead all along anyway, making the entire idea of him pointless. Obviously, with this episode, they wanted to show that he DID have a point. In actual fact, it's more a cop-out than anything. Adam still sucks and I hope he's gone for good (though I'm not counting on it).

If this had been just a regular episode of the series, I'd probably say it was pretty good. As the 100th episode of the show, however? Kind of lacklustre. I was expecting more than what we got. Hopefully the season final will make up for it.
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