Sydney White (2007)
Borderline flop rescued by Bynes
12 April 2010
Watching this brought back uncomfortable memories of 'House Bunny' although the latter was released a year later and I didn't buy the DVDs in chronological order. Where this succeeds and HB fails, is that Amanda Bynes makes the best of her role but Anna Faris looked very uncomfortable in hers - which to be fair to her was rather exploitative..

Much of this is drivel, let's not kid ourselves. All credit to AB that she alone does not give up on the weak script and lack of direction, and in the end pulls a rabbit or two out of a decidedly tired hat. By the end of this movie I had forgiven much of the dull and uninspired performances because it all works out for the best. Sentimental twaddle it may be, but it won me over - so all credit for that.

Saddest sight for me was seeing a 33 year old Danny Strong playing a student - a role he seems permanently associated with. He didn't look too impressed either. And I don't see Matt Long as the hero type but hey ... at least Sara Paxton makes a good bitch .. or witch. I didn't get the Snow White thing till about 3/4 way through, but then I'm a bit slow :)
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