Review of Carnivore

Carnivore (2000)
An insult to the viewer, the world and the history of film.
10 April 2010
Even thinking about this film enough to write this review is causing a burning sensation in my brain, similar to the night I forced myself to sit through it. I feel compelled to add this much-deserved one-star rating to help offset some other reviewers, (most likely the unfortunate victims of head injuries),who have given this film two or more stars. Watching this film should be considered as a torture replacement to the now frowned-upon 'water boarding'.

I thought I had found the bottom of the movie-quality well with "Alien 3000", but "Carnivore" made me realize that the penny had much further down to fall. How do you portray an effective cat-and-mouse plot in a single family house!?!? There's only one hallway upstairs, yet the characters moved around each other like they were in some inter-dimensional Tardis. And those Federal "agents" who were supposed to be funny made me want to lay my face into a deli meat slicer and turn it on. I DO invite you to watch it, since misery loves company.....
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