Hip Man of the Cloth...or Little Boy Lost?
9 April 2010
William E. Barrett's novel "The Wine and the Music" turned into trite Problem Solving movie of today (circa 1970). A young priest in Albuquerque is burdened with housewives who want to go on the Pill and teenagers who want to drop acid--but who is he to give holy advice when a pretty social worker has him contemplating his vows? Simple-minded drama, romanticizing then-current issues, has not a wisp of wit. The tinkly background score by Michel Legrand (and the Oscar-nominated title song co-written by Legrand with Alan & Marilyn Bergman) seems to belong to a different picture altogether, while Robert Forster (speaking in a laconic monotone) broods sexily, like a caged cat. Overall production (including a romantic montage at the lake and in the snow) is in the style of a cigarette advertisement. ** from ****
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