Review of Fair Haven

Star Trek: Voyager: Fair Haven (2000)
Season 6, Episode 11
Weaker episode
8 April 2010
Warning: Spoilers
I'm a fan of Voyager but this episode didn't do much for me; Tom has designed a new holodeck program for the the crew to relax in. This program takes the form of the 19th century Oirish village of Fair Haven. I can't imagine any village like it ever existed; while I didn't expect the story to go into the Irish politics of the time this place was so idyllic that if life in the real Ireland was half as good there would have been no troubles. Even accepting this as a deliberate error in 24th century history the story was fairly weak; after a visit to the local pub Captain Janeway falls in love with the holographic barman. As he isn't quite perfect she edits his program to make him more to her liking and to delete his wife. After three days she realises that she is behaving in a way that isn't exactly healthy, after all she couldn't change a real man so easily. When she stops going to the holodeck her barman becomes moody and takes to drink. Outside the holodeck Voyager is caught a storm which eventually threatens to destroy the ship, this means shutting off all unnecessary systems including the holodeck which leads to he program being damaged.

I think this is a prime example of holodeck episodes being substandard, I never really cared about any of the holographic characters as none of them seemed real in the way the Doctor does. There were one or two nice touches, I liked the crews lack of sympathy when Tuvok felt space sick and the captain's "delete the wife" order.
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