"Chic" Flick
6 April 2010
I love old movies and this was included in a new DVD collection I bought. It is cornball hokum of the first order and I was disappointed in the simplistic plot and the laughable contrivance throughout. I was very surprised with the absence of normally reliable direction by William Wellman, who may have underestimated the entire production or was as disillusioned by the story as I was.

I realize it was the early '30's, but Holy Cow, folks. All concerned ought to have given us some credit for seeing through plot device after plot device. This picture was more for a Saturday kids' matinée than for grown-ups (many of you remember Sat. kid's shows?).

Now let me tell you what was REALLY annoying. It was Grandpa - in the person of Chic Sale. Some readers will say he stole the show but I feel he dragged down my rating of a movie that was barely tolerable to begin with. He was younger than many of the cast members but played an old soldier - with a beard, a limp and a fife - who was given to patriotic tirades at the drop of a hat. In fact, I would have liked to drop his hat several times - with his head in it. He almost spoiled the enjoyment of seeing Walter Huston, one of my all-time favorite actors.

Can't really recommend it other than to see some of the old-time great character actors, and this movie is chock full of them.
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