Review of Peter

Fringe: Peter (2010)
Season 2, Episode 16
Must see episode of Fringe rockets into greatness
4 April 2010
Warning: Spoilers
While J.J. Abrams shows are competently made and very entertaining, they usually seem to me to be remakes of more original shows. Fringe plays as an updated version of the X-Files with Olivia also sometimes doing the role of Buffy the Vampire Slayer. What is unique to Fringe is Walter's role as a truly brilliant, semi-deranged scientist who's trying to reconcile with his estranged son Peter. While it's been hinted at in previous shows, this episode finally reveals some of the back-story on that relationship. This is some of the best TV I've seen in a long time, and one of the more genuinely moving Sci-Fi episodes ever. Besides a simple, yet compelling story which ties together many loose threads, we have a great performance by John Noble as Walter. What drives Walter's character is both the haughtiness of a truly brilliant scientist and the desperation of a father who's losing his beloved son. John Noble's performance makes you understand Walter's deep love for his son. We watch Walter doing things that he slowly realizes are unethical in order to be with and protect Peter. We never truly understand all the things that our parents do for us, and Peter can never appreciate how much Walter loves him, how much he's sacrificed for him and to be with him. I only hope that John Noble's performance is remembered when it's time for the Emmy Awards.
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