totally unrealistic
26 March 2010
Warning: Spoilers
I saw this movie at the sundance film festival in 2006. What struck me throughout the film was that neither of the two lead characters ever showed any visual signs of sickness. My question is, how can two people have terminal cancer and their deaths are days away and yet at no time in the film did they look sick. There was no paleness, jaundice or anything of the sort. At no times did we see any weakness, or nausea or any kind of physical pain associated with cancer. How could this be? At many times in the film the two characters are actually shown running and showing no signs of tiredness. Even at the end of the movie when Amanda Peats character is on the verge of death, she sneaks out of the hosptal with Griffin and again is seen climbing mountainess terrain, until the last couple of steps when Griffin carrts her in his arms. Wasn't he supposed to have cancer too. Come on give me a break? Throw some realism into the movie and it may have been descent.
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