Alice in Wonderland (I) (2010)
An incredible film, hands down.
26 March 2010
I have seen this... wonderful creation, and let me tell you how wonderful it is!

First of all, the story. The original books were known for having absolutely no logic, and, at the same time, being very gripping. Same thing here. The plot is... very strange to say the least... but it only does the film good! It actually does have a message buried deep under a huge pile of nonsense, but you won't get it right away. Anyway, whoever wrote the screenplay managed to create a worthy sequel to the original books.

Second, the acting. I would NOT talk about Johnny Depp, who's performance is great as always. Every actor and voice actor (the various creatures found in the film) do their jobs wonderfully. There isn't any bad line (or badly delivered one) in the movie. The dialog is superb.

Third, the visuals. Today every big budget fantasy film ought to have great effects, so it is pointless to say which film is better based on them. To me, special effects are boring if they are there just to show off the big budget. But here, they are used creatively. Take one effect out of the scene and... the magic will be gone. This is one of those rare cases when effects play a part in the story alongside the characters.

Conclusion - Tim Burton has done it again. Don't go and see Avatar, see Alice in Wonderland!!!~!!!
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