Review of Mendy

Mendy (2003)
An interesting project but not a good movie...
23 March 2010
I'm sorry guys, but this movie is bad.

Ivan Sandomire's performance, the music, and some externals (including the B&W still pictures) are good, but not strong enough to save the film.

I found the screenplay particularly unconvincing and the direction quite uninspired. The overall result looks more like a graduation project than a proper production.

It may be enriching for those struggling with emancipation from Hassidic Jews communities, but it fails to be compelling to a broader audience. As it talks about a young man in search for understanding, identity, and love, it could be much better.

I also found the representation of Brazilian culture, of which I know a thing or two, outrageously inaccurate and small-minded. It surprised me that it got best actress and best picture award in São Paulo International Film Festival (which is misspelled in the DVD cover as "Sao Paolo"). I went to the festival website archives ( and found no confirmation. Perhaps they are referring to another festival or to nominations, which I would consider it misleading.

In anyway, for a really good movie showing the interaction of Jews and Brazilian culture, check "the year my parents went on vacation" (

I hope this review helps.
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