South Park: Sexual Healing (2010)
Season 14, Episode 1
A pretty weak start to the season!
21 March 2010
Over the past seven seasons, South Park has shortened their number of episodes to fourteen per season, with a split in the middle, making only seven at a time. That gives these guys half a year to make seven South Park episodes, each episode taking less than a week to make, and even with that amount of time, they still bring us more duds now than ever. This weeks episode is perhaps one of the worst episodes Trey and Matt have ever produced.

Tiger Woods is the celeb being satirized this week. Scientists are shocked when they find that several male celebrities have been sleeping with other women, when they have perfectly fine women at home. They decide to check if the reason behind this is something in the water or food, so they test the kids at South Park Elementary for sex addiction, and find Kyle, Butters and Kenny are addicted to sex. After Kenny passes away due to his addiction, Kyle and Butters go to sex addiction therapy with several celebrities. Chaos ensues as all the secrets come out about the supernatural truth behind the sex addiction.

This episode is short on being funny, and full of being stupid and annoying. Some critics praised a high point of the episode being Butters's sudden fascination with a certain area of hair on a woman. This was perhaps one of the most annoying running gags, and made Butters almost intolerable in this episode, with his constant shouting and one set mind. The Tiger Woods video game that is being played throughout, starts as an amusing gag, but is brought back for so many jokes it grows very repetitive.

The twist at the end of an episode can make or break an episode, but usually due to the strong quality of the rest of the episode, the ending doesn't completely mar the episode. This was a bad episode, and the ending was so utterly ridiculous, and though it does have a message, it's a dumb one.

Watching this episode brings back flashbacks of watching the awful mid-season premiere "The China Probrem", and sitting there in silence. This is probably the worst episode since that one. Hopefully Trey and Matt and the other staff writers can come up with some quality episodes this season.

My rating: * 1/2 out of ****. 30 mins. TV MA-L

*Kenny's death was a small highlight in the episode, as it was one of his funniest and more surprising deaths. Kudos for that.
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