Genuinely funny comedy with much to recommend.
19 March 2010
Goon show alumnus Spike Milligan is the driving force in Postman's Knock, a genuinely funny comedy chock full of witty dialogue, wonderful sight gags and top drawer performances from the veteran cast.Milligan plays rural postman Harold Petts,who is transferred one day to big city London. Harold unwittingly foils an attempted robbery on his first day on the job and draws the attention of a dim witted police sergeant and his equally thick headed subordinate, nicely played by John Wood, who believe he's one of the gang of robbers. The robbers for their part, think Harold is a member of a rival gang: comedy ensues. Spike Milligan's very low key performance in this film is one of its strengths. Milligan, without trying very hard, is funny. With all that comic energy in play, Postman's Knock could have gone off the rails. As it is, the rest of the cast matches his comic charm, especially character actors Warren Mitchell, who plays the gang leader and Miles Malleson as the nutty psychiatrist. Unlike some British films of the period,Postman's Knock is played broadly enough to satisfy non English audiences.It also features an incredibly catchy title tune by Ron Goodwin.I really enjoyed this film.
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