One of the Best Foreign Language Films!
13 March 2010
Warning: Spoilers
I'm not into foreign language films but this film should be considered a classic by the film director. I saw another one but this one is much better. The story about upper class Greek life in Athens with it centering around Chloe, a daughter of a prominent Athenian family. Chloe is expected to marry a rich Greek American even though she doesn't love him. Her parents, Roxanne and Cleon, are broke and bankrupt and desperate financially. Chloe's relationship with Katerina, her beloved family maid, is also interesting. Katerina acts more like a second mother and often refers to Chloe as my pet. Katerina's husband abandoned her and their son who lives in the country. When Katerina's son has an accident, Katerina goes to him and is promised that she will be paid but she isn't and hasn't been for months. She thought the family had considered her differently than the others. The storyline is intriguing and I won't spoil anymore but it's worth seeing even in subtitles.
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