Tasha had a daughter!
13 March 2010
Warning: Spoilers
This season opener is the continuation of the last episode of season four; there is a civil war amongst the Klingons in which the rebels are being armed by the Romulans who see it as a way to destabilise the relationship between the Klingon Empire and the Federation. In order to stop these arms shipments Picard takes a fleet to the border. Here he has a confrontation with a Romulan that looks just like Tasha Yar; the Enterprise's security officer who died several years before. It turns out that she is Tasha's daughter Sela who was born after Tasha was sent in to the past and captured by Romulans. Sela may be Tasha's daughter but her loyalties are definitely with the Romulans. As most of Picard's fleet is made up of under-crewed ships straight out of space dock he has to put Enterprise officers in command of many of the ships, this leads to conflict on one where the senior officer objects to having Data in command as he believes an android might see crew as expendable in conflict. For the duration of the episode Worf is serving with the Klingons loyal to Chancellor Gowron although he is frustrated by the fact they seem to spend as much time fighting each other as their enemy.

This was a fairly exciting episode and it was good to see Denise Crosby again even if she was playing the daughter of her original character. This episode gave Data a chance to show he is capable of making difficult command decisions even when they are against the orders of Capt. Picard.
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