Review of Satta

Satta (2003)
Madhur strikes again
10 March 2010
After a realistic CHANDNI BAR(2001) Madhur returns with SATTA another realistic tale

This time he ventures into politics something that is done to death in Bwood but this is more realistic comparitively

The movie starts off on a filmy note but gathers steam when Raveena gets into politics and slowly we r seeped in the world of politics

The Jessica Lal murder case is thrown in between but handled well the film though gets oo idealistic towards the end but still it's a nice film

Direction by Madhur is awesome Music is okay, it would be nice if they were no songs

Camera-work is good though too shaky at places

Raveena excels after DAMAN again proving her mettle as a performer surprising this lady would be known to play the nonsense heroine roles in 90's films here she proves she is a great actress Kudos to Madhur, after Tabu he makes Raveena a powerful performer Atul Kulkarni is fab too and proves his mettle after the superb act in HEY RAM and Dumb and now in PAGE 3, RDB.etc Sameer Dharmadikari is good for a newcomer and does a good job Govind Namdeo underplays his act for once though there is nothing new in his role what he has done before Valabh Vyas is typecast and so are most of the others Manoj Joshi leaves a huge mark as the innocent Cop the actor nowdays famous for all comic roles in Priyan's films proves what a talent he is
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