Review of Earth 2100

Earth 2100 (2009 TV Movie)
How sad. All we can do is wait for the Hammer.
9 March 2010
Warning: Spoilers
After seeing this documentary I was left with one single question. If there is a single most important cause for this outcome, what would it be. There is only one understanding this reasonably rational human being can come to. As Lucy states, the human race is collapsing under its own weight. There are just to many of us for this "Blue Marble", we live on to support with out our destroying our home in order to feed, cloth, shelter, etc., such huge numbers.

What a sad commentary on our inability to say "NO", to procreation. I, myself, have chosen to not do so. Unfortunately, it might take something like ninety-nine out of a hundred to do the same in 1980, to make a difference by 2015. 2015, being the step over the edge into the abyss year, or close to it, from which this earth will not be able to recover for centuries. We humans are killing the very planet that gave us life in the first place.

How sad, when a self aware, sentient, god seeking being, is wondering if a single strand of RNA might be our salvation. Salvation for the human species being six billion dead. But would we just start all over again.
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