The X-Files: The Post-Modern Prometheus (1997)
Season 5, Episode 5
fun idea handled badly
8 March 2010
Warning: Spoilers
***MAY CONTAIN SPOILERS for this episode and Small Potatoes***

After enjoying the x-files when I was very young I've recently revisited the show, and am working my way through all episodes. So far, I'd avoided commenting on episodes (even the truly amazing ones) but I was stunned to see this episode rated so high.

I usually like CC episodes they're often funny and play with M and S's relationship. However they can be uneven, and this is the worst example I've seen so far. The episode had several good moments, including coffee on M's lap and M + S dancing together, but in the end i didn't feel the way the episode clearly wanted me to.

Rather than "he's not a monster at all", the monster is a sex offender as he forced women to have non-consenting sex with him (worse: for the self-motivated purpose of making them pregnant). The fact that the women seemed OK with this doesn't make it any better, they could easily have had a different reaction, especially as the 'monster' didn't make any apparent effort to check they even wanted a child. In Small Potatoes (s4e20) the 'monster' has sex with women who haven't consented to have sex with the real him but provided most woman with babies they'd longed for. He's put on the sex offender's register (as he should be), what's so different in this episode?

Small side-note: The bland Cher version of Sun Ain't Gonna Shine Anymore is an offence to sound and the ability to hear.
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