Leprechaun (1993)
Jennifer Aniston's catalyst into stardom...
2 March 2010
Call me foolish for expecting an even half-quality film which centers around a demonic leprechaun killing for his gold, but this film was so awful it didn't even supply laughs. How this has a cult following -- or ANY following, for that matter -- is beyond me. How this utter trash spawned five sequels is even crazier. There's no way this brought in enough dough to supply the writer and the director for the sixth installment: "Leprechaun - Back 2 Tha Hood". The title enough is a red flag.

Speaking of the writer, this has to have been written by a seven-year old. It's probably some of the most tiring writing I've ever heard in a movie of ANY genre. Dora the Explorer has better dialogue. Hell, silent movies from the 1920's have better dialogue. How someone would sign for this movie is unbelievable. The chavs in my English class could form better sentences.

All four of the main characters are terrible, terrible actors--although it's Aniston at her finest. The worst is undisputablely Ken Olandt as the clichéd macho, wise-cracking hero. Robert Hy Gorman's role was very infuriating. I'm not sure if the director wanted him to be so obnoxious viewers wanted nothing more than to punch him repeatedly, but if that was his goal it's probably the only successful thing throughout the movie he accomplishes.

Something I can always count on when watching these older slasher (I guess that's what you would call this???) flicks are the awesome kills. They're always great. They usually make me chuckle at how ridiculous they are. Killing someone by jumping on them with a pogo stick was the only enjoyable kill of the movie. Come to think of it, I think this only had three kills in total. Even the body-count is miserable. Not even any of the four main characters died. That was basically what kept me watching--the prospect of one of them getting sliced 'n' diced.

Basically every aspect of this film is a failure. How they could make a movie about a murderous leprechaun any worse than it sounds is astonishing. My brother even fell asleep while watching this. And it was eight in the evening.

I'm probably coming off as up-tight, but I'm really not. I know this movie wasn't supposed to be taken seriously--how could it be if the people making it weren't even taking it seriously?--but I can enjoy the campy, cheesiness of Friday the 13th. Hell, I love those movies! But this... this is just pitiful. Let me say that I know now why I managed to snag the first three in the series for a measly $12. Needless to say I think part II and III of this series may remain unwatched for a long, long time to come.

The oodles of negative things aside, "Leprechaun" did have one saving grace: Jennifer Aniston's legs.
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